Her riding & training is loaded with technique and skill but also has strong elements of excitement, fun, and a fearless passion not found in other trainers today. I had the blessing to meet and work with Wylene recently and found that as a person she is unique, exceptional and wholly insprirational—coaching me with the perfect blend of firmness and kindness. Wylene was gracious enough to agree to be a guest blogger for me on MichelleKuesterHorsemanship.com, so without futher ado, here is a word from Wylene Wilson:
People in this world are always wanting to be someone or something they’re not. They might find themselves blaming others around them for their problems. The fault might land on parents or teachers or even friends, maybe even a bad childhood experience. I believe there is only one person to blame for your situation and the way you feel and that is YOU. Life happens and it’s how you handle it that shows your real potential and your real worth.
Sometimes in a world of such tough criticism and judgement it is easy to assume someone was handed the success and greatness they show. I know this situation first hand. I have experienced both admiration and dislike from people. I have felt defeat and fear along with feelings of failure and doubt more than once. Let’s face it, life is not perfect—in fact, life is hard. Especially when you let others negatively affect you.
It is my opinion that the way you handle life’s burdens will either make you or break you. I am a firm believer in optimism, faith and staying positive. While others may complain about their situation, I choose to just feel happy to be alive. People need to try to see the good in everything and a positive outlook can change the way you view life and its thorns. It will lift you to places you never thought you could be. Happiness and Love are all things we need in our lives to succeed and also to help others. I realize that though my life that I haven’t felt important or good enough to be an example of being an example. Even though there are many who look up to me and my accomplishments. What we don’t realize is, people are watching and people are listening. Shouldn’t we be all that we should be?!
What I am so grateful for in my life is the insight and knowledge of truth and belief. In knowing that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. This is something I have watched and learned from those who I have looked up to as mentors and friends. They inspire me to never give up. Simply being who you are is ENOUGH!! Society has us believe that if we are not rich or pretty or drive a fancy car or own a huge house, that we can not make a difference. I am here to tell you that you that even if you are not Mother Teresa or the President of the United States, you can make a difference and every life has purpose and importance.
Coming from a poor farm girl who never realized her true potential of mentoring and loving others through her example of happiness and hope I am here to tell you: know who you are—and love yourself. Those around you will see the good in you and believe in you also. Don’t apologize for your faults or your past, be thankful you are where you are, and that life happened to you. Move forward on improving yourself and your future. Life is a gift, and experiences are the paint that has brushed its way through your life and painted the most amazing picture of perfection. Your Perfection. BE an example. BE happy. And most of all, BE YOU!!
-Wylene Wilson